Test bench for radar-based applications
dSpace - Booth 4000

The number and types of sensors used in vehicles to enable highly automated and fully autonomous driving is exponentially high, says dSpace. The most commonly used of these are cameras and ultrasonic sensors, followed by radar sensors. As radar sensors are relied upon to detect objects and their distances, they need to be thoroughly validated. The challenge for engineers is how to test radar ECUs realistically and reproducibly in the laboratory. Radar sensors must be stimulated by generated radar echoes that correspond to real radar objects, such as vehicles or pedestrians, at different distances and in relative positions. To ensure proper testing, measures must be taken to avoid disruptive radar reflections. The dSpace radar test bench uses synchronized, closed-loop, HIL simulation to realistically test radar-based vehicle functions in the lab, taking the complete chain of effects into consideration. The radar test bench also offers the possibility to test the radar sensor and its components for verification or performance acceptance.

Booth 4000

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