Products On Show

Servohydraulic actuators for test systems
Herbert Hänchen

German manufacturer Herbert Hänchen will be at the expo to talk about its test actuators – one of the largest ranges on the market. The new Servoseal sealing element is a dynamically sealing synthetic ring. The integrated retaining ring made of carbon prevents excessive pressure build-up on the sealing surface due to hydraulic pressure. At small amplitudes, no wear or scoring is produced on the counterfaces due to lack of lubrication. Thus, this sealing element can be used in the sleek servo actuator series 120 and 300 just as well as in the testing actuator series 320.

This gives users a cost-effective and extremely powerful alternative to known actuator brands. These servo actuators enable users to undertake testing tasks with small amplitudes and frequencies up to 25Hz, low side loads and long strokes. Other advantages include low friction and wear and no leakage of functional oil. Hänchen offers a wide range of actuator dimensions in this series.

In many cases it is also possible to equip the customary hydrostatic testing actuators of the 320 series for highly dynamic movements and high side loads with the Servoseal. and thus achieve better hydraulic efficiency. Furthermore, a smaller control valve may often be utilized, since no functional oil flow is used and there is no leakage of the gap seal. This saves costs and, depending on the application case, also increases achievable dynamics.

Booth 6038

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