Speaker Details

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Nils Röttger

Current job: CTO at Blueberry d.o.o since April 2022. Previous jobs: Head of firmware development at HBK (January 2021- March 2022), Firmware developer at HBK (January 2018 - December 2020). Education: M.Sc. in Computer Science (Technische Universität Dortmund) and Master of Business Administration (Graduate School Rhein-Neckar)


openDAQ - the new test and measurement standard - ready to embrace others

With the successful release of the new openDAQ standardized device and communication interface at the Automotive Testing Expo in Europe in June 2023, we enabled the community to explore the supporting Software Development Kit (SDK) together with some demo devices.
Since then, openDAQ has been further improved and enhanced and we are ready to go open source now.
The presentation will explain how you can successfully use openDAQ and be part of the community driving that new standard forward.